Please ensure you read and understand our terms and conditions which forms the basis of your contract with Shenfield Tutors


You can make appointments using our online system or over the phone. You will be placed in classes based on your child’s specific requirement.

Payment terms

Sessions are paid for monthly and in advance. There will be a £5 fee per week for late payment.

Enrolment Fee

There is an enrolment fee of £25 which helps to cover the cost of printing, photocopies and other resources.

Cancellation policy

We operate a two-week termination policy. If you no longer wish to attend the centre for tuition, we require two weeks notice of cancellation.

Missed lessons

Sessions are paid for a month in advance and if your child is unwell or on holiday and cannot the attend the session for any reason, we may be able to arrange a catch-up lesson provided you notified us more than 24 hours that they cannot attend their usual lesson.

Late Arrival

Students should arrive at their lesson on time. If a student arrives late, they would have missed part of the lesson and will only receive the remainder of the lesson. Parents should notify the centre if they are running late for any reason.

Good behaviour

We expect good behaviour from all our students. Students must come to the lesson prepared and willing to study. They’re expected to be responsible and not disruptive. Students who cause disturbance may be dismissed from the lesson and if that happens, no refunds will be given.


We offer private tuition to students in hopes of helping them improve in confidence and achieve better grades. We cannot guarantee how they will perform in exams and so, cannot guarantee any exam outcome.

Personal belongings

All students are expected to look after their personal belongings and to respect other people’s belongings. Parents or guardians will be liable if your child causes damages to the centre’s property, Shenfield High School’s property or other student’s property.

Dropping-off and picking-up

Our centre will open five minutes before tuition starts which is when students can be dropped off. Please do not drop off your children earlier than this as we cannot guarantee there will be anyone at the centre to look after them. Please collect your children promptly after the session. We reserve the right to charge a £10 charge per child for late pickup. Also, if your children are being collected by family members or friends, please let us know in advance so we can release your children to them. As you can appreciate, the safety and well-being of your children are very important to us.


For families that choose to pay in full for the whole term, there is a 10% discount. And when there are multiple siblings attending the centre, there is a 5% sibling discount where the first child pays in full and subsequent siblings receive a 5% discount. There are no sibling discounts for assessments, mock exams and any chargeable resource.


Parents must arrange all communications with tutors through Shenfield Tutors. If you want to find out about your child’s progress or book extra tuition, you must contact the centre and we will arrange for feedback or extra lessons as necessary. Extra lessons are chargeable and not included in the monthly fee.